My first blog was December 22, 2010 which was called “Even Norwegians Not Welcome?“. It talked about how our Company is primarily financed by and owned by shareholders in Norway. I thought it strange at the time that Quebec who has so much in common with Norway would not welcome Norwegian investment. I still can’t imagine why Quebec doesn’t adopt the Norwegian model. The Norwegian model is an example to the world on how to responsibly develop resources and its society at the same time.
My first blog is once again very timely and relevant. The Premier of Quebec just returned from a trip to New York where she was asking the investment community to invest in Quebec. In particular she talked about the resource potential of Quebec including shale oil and shale gas.
I am familiar with these types of trips. I spent the 10 years before my first blog doing the same thing.
I went to Toronto, New York, London and especially Oslo to explain the resource potential of Quebec. I told all who would listen how Quebec had worked for over a generation to become energy independent. I told them Questerre had an idea for natural gas that could help Quebec achieve its energy independence dreams. I was successful and convinced them to take the high risks involved and we were successful in finding one of the largest natural gas fields in North America.
Churchill said of the Americans in World War II that they can always be counted on to do the right thing; after exhausting all the alternatives.
I know we can also count on Quebec to ultimately make the right decision on energy independence, the environment and its society.
I was very glad to see Pauline Marois in New York. I invite Ms. Marois to make a similar visit to Oslo to encourage investors who took the original risks. It will be a fruitful trip in my opinion. It shouldn’t be difficult to convince Norwegian investors about the benefits of the Norwegian model.
I hope you will take the time to read my first blog on its two year anniversary.
Merry Christmas