Quebec Energy Policy

The Quebec Government announced that it will update its energy policy. Public consultations are already underway. The Government also announced a commission to study ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We welcome the Government’s announcements. The discovery of huge amounts of oil and natural gas in North America created a new energy paradigm the whole […]


The question ‘would you live by a gas well’ is designed to be a ‘gotcha’ question. The presumption that oil and gas people who obviously understand their own industry best, would therefore never live by an oil and gas well.  It is another example of the gross misunderstanding our industry has allowed to perpetuate in […]

Alberta Farmers Tour – second time around

A group of Quebec farmers just left Calgary on Thursday to go back to Quebec.  This was the second tour organized by the Oil and Gas Services Association of Quebec and while some things were the same, other things were very different. Last year participants said their impressions had changed a lot but they weren’t […]

Greener than green

It’s not initially obvious until you think about it, but the debate in Quebec has moved on to a new phase.  The debate is no longer IF Quebec should produce hydrocarbons but HOW.   Recent legislation on water laws has shown all three major parties are in favor and the issue no longer is if Quebec […]

Where is everybody?

We have heard for a long time that modern natural gas development in the St. Lawrence Valley is different because this is one of the most populated areas in Quebec.  We heard it again as bill 37 was introduced for a new moratorium.  But if that’s true where are they all? I have met with […]

Earth Day Resolution

Questioning the premise of Earth Day is not permitted in polite company.  So I hope no one will be disappointed in this blog.  Though I hope its not because you are surprised I try to be patient and polite. Speaking of politeness one exuberant Earth Day celebrant tweeted to me “if only that BASTARD @mrbinnion […]

More than I thought

The independent Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI) recently released an economic impact study of the Utica natural gas discovery in Quebec. In my last blog “Quebec Development penalized” I suggested that Quebec should, temporarily at least, be allowed to keep more of the benefits of resource development.  I suggested a reform of equalization along the […]

Quebec Development Penalized

The Minister of Finance for Quebec issued his economic and financial update on March 28,2013. He says there is basically no problem because a loss of tax and royalty revenue is offset by increases in equalization. It seems to me the Quebec budget actually exposes a huge problem and many Quebec commentators have pointed it […]

Déjà vu, all over again

I really thought the conversation on local natural gas development had moved beyond the mania of an availability cascade in Quebec.  Everyone tells me I am optimistic and last week’s report in La Presse proves them right. I remember the following statements over the past few years in Quebec.  Some of them are misunderstandings and […]

The theft of the century

Some people are calling the deal that transferred exploration licenses from Hydro Quebec to two Quebec junior oil and gas companies ‘the theft of the century’. The terms of the deal are private. One President said he negotiated hard to get a good deal and he was satisfied with the result. This outraged opponents. When […]